Brief summary: Lizzy Enders is a young Methodist who was travelling with her parents to Colorado. With them is also Elinora, A Catholic Bishop's niece. The Enders were hired to drop Elinora off in Santa Fe at a convent school run by her uncle. On the way, Lizzy's mother dies and her father is left a widower. When they drop Elinora off at the convent, Lizzy's father also leaves her there. This story is about the miracle of the staircase (I'd heard briefly of it before I read the book. The story is that a poor carpenter man made the staircase and disappeared immediatly after finishing. They say that the poor carpenter was St. Joseph, because the nuns were saying a novena to him for the staircase.)
Comments: I LOVED this book! It was so enjoyable. I've read a couple of Rinaldi's books before and all of them are very enjoyable. I highly reccomend this book if you like Historical Fiction.
Grade/Age level: 7th grade and up?
Cautions: They say something about a girl maybe eloping at a young age, and something about that same girl poking a kitten in the eye with an embroidery needle. Personally, that flipped me out and I'm sure younger children would feel the same way.
If you like this book, you might also like . . . Death comes to the Archbishop by Willa Cather (The bishop in this book is the Archbishop in Cather's book.)
Lots of Love,
Katie <3
Sounds cool! Good job! You might want to also add what the thesis of the story is, and whatever moral lessons might be contained in the story. ;) Neat about the Archbishop too. She must be a Cather fan. Speaking of which, I still haven't finished My Antonia. I got bored and kinda stopped. Don't hurt me!
Say whaa?! I won't hurt you. I kinda like you. :)
Have you heard Taylor Swift's new song?!? Oh, my goodness. It. Is. AMAZING!!!
ARE YOU KIDDING I LOVE IT!!! I got Gracie obsessed with it too, and we sing it all the time. It's a song after my own heart. "You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess it's a love story baby just say yes"
Not bad for your first review! :] Maybe more detail on your opinion of it.
BTW, Taylor Swift pwns. ^^
Thanks Nicole! :)
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