Friday, November 7, 2008

Please Let Me Be Born

Please, let me be born.
I want to see the sky, to hear a lullaby,
to talk, to laugh, and cry.
I want to live.
I long to hold your hand,
to walk barefoot in the sand,
and though I wasn't planned,
I've got much to give.
Can't you see I'm just the same as you?
I'm very small it's true.
Still, I have feeling.
Let me be.
I beg you, don't DELETE,
for I'll make your life complete.
To you Mom I'm appealing.
Please, let me be born!
I want so smell a rose,
see how a river flows,
count all my little toes,
see night and morn.
Please, Mom, please let me be born!

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